Friday, January 19, 2018

Phong Cách Thời Trang Mori Girl Nhật Bản

Mori Girl là văn hoá thời trang có nguồn gốc từ Nhật Bản. Nó có nghĩa là "cô gái rừng". Phong cách trang phục được mặc theo kiểu rộng rãi, thoải mái, màu đất và những họa tiết hoa bướm lấy cảm hứng từ thiên nhiên và sự cổ kính.

Hầu hết các dòng thời trang Mori Girl cụ thể đều được bán ở Nhật. Nhưng có nhiều cách để đạt được phong cách này. Nhiều bản trẻ ở khắp nơi trên thế giới đã và đang là tín đồ trung thành của phong cách Mori.

Bạn có thể tìm được style thời trang này tại shop quần áo nữ GauGau

Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên trang điểm lông mày, ánh mắt và bẩn thỉu. Đối với một số màu, hãy áp dụng son môi mờ hoặc nửa sáng hoặc khỏa thân. Và tất nhiên, đừng quên nền tảng của bạn hoặc kem B.B cho làn da rực rỡ.

Mori Girl trông rất mềm mại và tự nhiên. Mori Girls không ăn mặc để thu hút sự chú ý của người khác. Thay vào đó, họ thích ăn mặc cho mình, lựa chọn cho quần áo thoải mái và cổ điển.

Cô gái Mori cũng độc lập. Họ không nhớ chi tiêu thời gian một mình, và trên thực tế thưởng thức nó. Họ cũng tự túc, có thể sửa chữa hoặc thay đổi quần áo của mình hoặc tự trồng thực phẩm của mình trong vườn.

Người ta nói rằng có tới 60 phong cách Mori Girl khác nhau, từ Dark Mori đến những người mặc tất cả màu trắng.

Tôi thích mô tả này! Khi tôi lần đầu tiên đọc về các cô gái mori, tôi cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm như vậy !! Cuối cùng, tôi thích hợp ở đâu đó. Tôi chưa bao giờ là một cô gái thành phố (đi Jessica Parker!) Và ăn mặc sexy để săn bắn cho nam giới cũng không bao giờ trong chương trình nghị sự của tôi. Tôi muốn cảm thấy thoải mái. Tôi muốn cảm giác quần áo của tôi thực sự ôm tôi.

Các cô gái Mori không tập trung quá mức vào việc dễ thương, mà là thông minh, đọc rất nhiều, ghi chép và yêu thiên nhiên. Họ yêu thích tất cả các loại động vật và thể hiện điều này trên quần áo và đồ trang sức. Họ quan tâm đến môi trường và thích ăn thực phẩm hữu cơ và trái cây tươi. Tình yêu của họ đối với lịch sử thường khiến họ chọn đồ cổ

Đi chậm và có ý thức đi bộ qua cuộc sống, với đôi mắt mở to, tò mò và không bị ảnh hưởng hoặc bị cám dỗ bởi các tiêu chuẩn hoặc xu hướng nhất định là điều làm cho phong cách này thu hút được nhiều người. Nó là vô tận, nó là bình tĩnh và nó là nữ tính mà không bị giảm xuống một nửa sexy trần truồng. Là một cô gái mori có nghĩa là ngồi bên cửa sổ, ăn bánh mì nướng với dâu tây thay vì xem tin tức. Nó có nghĩa là không nhằm mục đích hoàn hảo, mà là bạn.

Bản chất trẻ con của các cô gái mori tách họ khỏi những phụ nữ hung hăng và ăn thịt trong thành phố. Họ bỏ những đôi giày cao gót để giày phẳng và thích giữ cho móng tay ngắn và da đều. Các cô gái Mori cũng được vẽ bằng các bản in bằng động vật, kẹo, đã kiểm tra, hoa, vintage hoặc polka.

Theo cách riêng của mình yên tĩnh, cô gái mori là một cá nhân. Cô ấy không quan tâm rằng thế giới có thể sống khác với cô ấy. Cô ấy sống một cách có ý thức và chọn lối sống riêng của mình. Các cô gái mori thường trông kỳ quặc hoặc quirky. Khi cô mua sắm, cô mua một cái gì đó dựa trên cảm giác của nó như thế nào, thay vì thời trang hoặc đắt tiền nó sẽ xuất hiện cho người khác. Trong khi cô ấy có thể thích công ty của người khác, cô gái mori yêu công ty riêng của cô ấy và thực sự đã bắt tay vào nhiều cuộc phiêu lưu đáng nhớ nhất của cô ấy một mình.

GauGauShop chuyên bán các mặt hàng thời trang Mori




Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Disposable E Cigarette Is The New Smoking Alternative

Disposable e cigs are the trend these days. They are the same as electronic cigarettes, e cigs, or personal vaporizers. These have been in the market for several years already. Many famous personalities use e cigs, and these are even shown on TV shows such as talkshows. 

These are called disposable because these are reusable unlike the traditional cigarettes. This is just one difference about e cigs, and there are more genius works involved in the making of these. 

Basically, disposable e cigs have four different parts. These are discussed below:

1. Cartridge

This is the topmost part of the e cigs. It is the part that touches the mouth. In traditional cigarettes, this part does not contain tobacco but acts as filter of the smoke, and protection of the lips from burning. What makes the cartridge special in e cigs is that it contains the liquid that is heated in order to transform into vapor. The liquid can either contains nicotine or no nicotine at all. These options are produced in order to cater the two choices of smokers.

Interestingly, the liquid can have different flavors. The flavors can belong to the original flavors used in traditional cigarettes such as tobacco, and menthol. But there are exciting flavors to choose from such as the fruity flavors. These fruity flavors are advantageous for those who work in an office, in travel, in a party, in a meeting and many other occasions because they leave a pleasant smell. So it is not obvious if one smokes or not.

2. Atomizer. 

This is directly connected to the cartridge. This acts as the heater of the liquid. Some e cigs have combined cartridge and atomizer and this is called as cartomizer. The reason for this combination is just for convenience. 

3. Battery

This is the longest part of disposable e cigs. It is the source of electricity that runs the atomizer. The quality of batteries differs too. There are batteries that can last for longer hours. Sizes and weights of batteries are other differences. But manufacturers try to make the batteries not so heavy so that the e cigs are comfortable to hold just like the traditional cigarettes.

The quality of the batteries can also affect pricing. But most prefer those batteries that can really last long. Charging them is a hassle. It can disrupt the joy of smoking.  Especially on travel, low quality batteries are not that helpful. 

Batteries can be charged on the wall or in a computer. There are various chargers offered by manufacturers together in the kit.

4. LED

Disposable e cigs are made to mimic the traditional cigarettes through putting a light at the end. The light can have different colors depending on your choice. This light also signals that e cigs are in used. 

Disposable e cigs at a distance cannot really be suspected as artificial cigarettes. Size, design, shape, and color are carefully matched to the traditional cigarettes. Even the vapor looks closely similar to the smoke released by traditional cigarettes.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Top 10 Summer Get Away Plan

One of the most awaited season of the year is summer. Well, why not? This is a perfect time to stay on the beach and have some fun under the heat of the sun together with your family and love ones. We have been stressed to all the office works and paper works and field works on the past seasons; and it is time to pamper ourselves during summer. 

The following are the top 10 summer get-away plan everybody will surely love to experience: 

1.    Chill and relax on the beach- nothing’s more exciting than spending your summer at the beach with your favorite bikinis and sunglasses on. You can tan yourself under the heat of the sun while you’re being served with shakes as you see the spectacular sceneries on the coastline. One hot tip: make sure you’re with your partner so you’ll be safe this summer on the beach. 

2.    Have a reservation at the 5-star hotel- you can also stay at the hotel and pamper yourself with spas and therapy to calm your nerves. Hotels have different amenities such as the pool, the billiard hall, etc. that you can surely enjoy even without travelling far away from your place. 

3.    Book a plane ticket and tour at the tropics—there has been an exodus of tourist in to the tropics every summer season. On the different countries on the tropics, at least you can enjoy their exotic foods and drinks, you can explore their famous tourist spots and you can also treat yourself with a vacation even for a week. 

4.    Renovate your house- if you don’t have any plans than to stay at your home, then you can renovate your house and bring color unto it to enjoy your summer even once in a lifetime. You can paint with it bright colors, you can put cool furniture unto it and you can sort your wardrobe and donate your old stuffs to the needy. 

5.    Organize a house party- organizing a house party is a lot more exciting especially when it’s summer time. Hawaiian party is much better and you should prepare food and drinks for everybody. 

6.    Visit the Amusement Park- this summer, why not visit the Disney and enjoy the rides and other facilities. You can at least have some fun and reminisce some childhood memories in amusement parks. 

7.   Watch a concert- concerts are a lot more exciting this summer. Reserve a ticket at the ticket stores near you, grab some snack and join the dance moves and screams of the fans of the different artists on a live concert. 

8.   Do some hiking- Some people may be interested to spend their summer hiking on the mountains and see the beautiful things on the Earth.  When you’re at the top of the mountains, you’ll see everything and you’ll now have a positive outlook in your life. 

9.    Fly at the horizon- early in the morning, you can pay some cash and ride at gliders and see the sunrise. You’ll feel better after your summer ride. 

10.  Dare to try new rides-zip lines, rappel and bungee jumping are now new summer must-try. Be sure to take pictures of you and your friend so you’ll have unforgettable summer get-away in your lifetime.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Facts & Methods To Help You Quit Cigarette

Several countries and states have banned smoking in public areas. Several companies have made their work environment to be free of smoke and punish employees who choose to smoke in the workplace. People who smoke are separated from the crowd and the usual smoking time in the smoke place has reduced to the minimum just for them to get a Nicotine fix.

In some cities, smoking has negatively perceived as a drug addiction. Because most smokers have learned about the benefits of stop smoking, many people have started trying to find ways to stop smoking. It's not easy but it's possible to quit.

Tobacco addiction consists of three components:

1. Smoking for relaxation and pleasure is about 45 percent of why people continue to smoke.

2. Another reason why people continue to smoke is a connection between smoking and the unconscious activities set in their mind or just pure boredom. When people find themselves in these situations, they yearn for a cigarette. An example of this is when a person strongly associated with drinking coffee loves  to smoke a cigarette. Whenever they get another cup of coffee, they crave for a cigarette. It is estimated about 45 per cent of smokers do this.

3. The last reason that people continue to smoke is that they become physically addicted to nicotine. This represents about 10% of normal. When people smoke, the nicotine stays in the body and they will need more when the body requires it.

A number of methods have been developed to help people find ways to stop smoking. The least expensive way to quit smoking, which is paid for by most insurance policies, is the nicotine patch.   
Easy to apply, each patch is worn for 24 hours and can be secreted in the clothes of the person. The problem with these patches, however, is that patches nicotine replacement are not very beneficial. Because these products only address the physical addiction, which implies that 10% of the usual, only seven percent of people who use this method will succeed.

Almost the same degree of effectiveness is a feature of the nicotine gum or lozenges. Less than ten percent of people who use these products will have the success of these approaches to stop smoking for at least six months. In addition, these elements can have side effects. substances that contain Nicotine, often irritate the gums of the person, but also the lips, and many people experience skin irritation under the patch. Remember, these products only treat the physical addiction, which includes only about 10% of normal.

Another alternative is the development of counseling and smoking cessation programs. These classes include cognitive therapy as well as information about the effects of tobacco products. These strategies are three times as beneficial as treatments nicotine replacement, almost a quarter of smokers will quit for at least six months.A lot of smokers have tried programs laser treatment to help stop smoking. This treatment is sometimes paid by insurance, even if it is new. However, experimental tests, which is required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), indicate that these treatments are no more effective than placebo. (Placebo effect that occurs when a person believes they are receiving therapy, but in reality are not.)

The other ways of quitting seems to be a little more successful than the previous strategies. In one study, plans tested to help smokers quit by removing the "buzz" the rush of nicotine. This strategy in the early stages of testing services, for the moment seems to be useful for 15% of patients who are tested there.

Hypnosis is another way to help people quit smoking. Hypnosis is designed to help the subconscious mind instantly replace other behaviors to provide comfort and peace, as opposed to nicotine addiction. It is also used to delete or "extinguish" conditioned responses such as described association between smoking and behavior in the example above, if the smoker has no desire to smoke in places where previously the trigger.

It seems that male clients have a higher success rate with hypnosis stop smoking than women. One of the benefits of self-hypnosis, stop smoking, however, is that, unlike individuals use nicotine replacement as strategies to stop smoking, there is no irritating side effects.

Another positive aspect of hypnotherapy is that it treats the game nine tenths of the problem is psychological, unlike other strategies that address only the component of 10% of the problem is physical. Therefore, hypnosis results in a success rate much greater than the above approaches to stop smoking treatments. The usual methods of hypnosis can provide a probability of 35 per cent success, while Ericksonian hypnotherapy can offer a 50% or higher success rate.

Abstract: Most current smoking cessation attempt to use products like nicotine replacement ways to quit smoking. Some programs, such as smoking cessation and advice, approaches trying to help the spirit find ways to stop smoking.

While hypnosis is much more efficient than other approaches, mainly with male clients, it is not the most useful way to quit smoking. NLP, which focuses on the mental aspects of the smoking habit, actually helps people change their thought processes so that they are able to quit more successfully.Given that nine-tenths of the dependence of the individual smoking is psychological, these methods are much more effective than simply nicotine replacement and discuss the component of 10% is physical dependence.

A new alternative but way more effective than others is the electronic cigarette. It also has Nicotine and doesn't produce smoke at all. It only produces vapor like smoke and no tar nor carbon monoxide. There are many great benefits about e cigarettes that most people don't know. 

You can check out more reviews and information about the e cigarettes at

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thoughtfull Moment

Whenever you feel upset,
Remember it might not be some else
That makes you upset,
It's probably your own thoughts about them
That makes you angry at them.

Whatever the thoughts are making you miserable,
All in all, it is still thoughts
You have the power to change it...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Marine Phytoplankton - Super Nutrition From The Sea

According to NASA, phytoplankton makes up to about 1/4 of vegetation on land and in the sea, and provides almost 90% of oxygen in for the earth. It is the simplest form of life on earth, and as many scientists researches shown, phytoplankton is the source of life. Without phytoplankton, we can't breathe.

The future of nutrition is in the ocean. As we are stepping into the space age and stepping into the future of life on earth, this particular area of research - the oceanic phytoplanton - has already got plenty of discovery.

The marine phytoplankton is the basic life forms that are in the ocean which is now been shown improving to form our atmosphere. There are even the new phytoplankton power products sold wildly worldwide.

The marine phytoplankton is becoming a future of nutrition of human consumption. It is considered to be healthier than fish oil and a solution for cancer diseases. The cure of cancer still haven't proven by scientist on a large scale yet, but it is still an amazing discovery.

This man accidentally found his lungs' tumors disappear after eating phytoplankton

These microorganisms have all different forms of properties and chemistries but there are few that have exceptional qualities that are appropriated for human nutrition. Nana Coreopsis is one of those groupings of very unique micro algae that is going to have a future for human consumption.

This species of phytoplankton contains lots of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which can also be found in fish oil. This particular substance is very important for neurological health. It is a long chain of Omega 3s which is different from the short chained ALA type of Omega 3s. These long chain of Omega 3s have the ability of dealing with more and more problems with neurological issues in the brain. They also help solving more pollution problems in the ocean which also helps improve the quality of some fish oil products.

According to new science's discovery, this new form of nutrition is the ideal food for the development of children's neurological system. It is also a great source of protein for muscle growth as well.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Parent's Garden

Recently, my parents decided to grow organic plants in the garden to follow the eating healthy trend. It's all good though. Fresh vegetables, free of chemicals, no chemical fertilizer, only organic all the way. We have 2 small ponds in our land which are connected to the big lake outside so we use that as a watering source for the plants. We also have a small concrete pond for goldfish which is also a great source for high nitrogen water from the fish waste. The plants love it.

My mom has been sick for about 4 years because of many different with her kidney, digestive system, and spinal senescence. Due to he weird method of treatment called Oshawa, she can only eat brown rice, sesame seeds, small organic vegetables and very little meat. This method is pretty effective, but the hard part is giving up all the "good" foods you love and crave. It can be a torture.

This is our spicy hot pepper plant that grows by itself. I guess some seeds leftover from the dish washing machine have found the way to the backyard soil. It grows pretty well and we don't need to buy any peppers from the market anymore.

These hot chilli Asian peppers are growing well. We all love spicy food so this is just great stuff. Spicy peppers are good for people with arthritis. It increase the Substance P level in your blood which bathes the joint. It also help reduce headache and sinus symptoms as well. For me, it doesn't matter much about the effectiveness, I just love to have hot chilli peppers in my meal. It enhanced my taste buds for the foods.

We have our first 5 organic chicken, 2 turkeys, and 7 ducks in our garden too. This one is hatching for 12 of the eggs. Those are not actually her eggs. The real mother was dead because she got bitten to death by my dog "Bino" in one sunset when she was wondering outside the chicken house. I'm sure Bino was just playing around with her because that's how he always does. But the chicken is too week and small for him.

Amazingly, this other hen started to hatch the other one eggs. We was concerning that nobody is going to hatch these eggs since the mother was dead, but then one day we saw her in one of these baskets. If she does a good job, we are going to get the first generation of babies in our family. I'm excited.

Still, I'm planning to help out my brother building a better hatching nest for them though. We have many more chicken waiting to lay eggs and hatch as well. I saw them mating the other day.

My youngest brother is building a better, bigger, and more stable hatching place for the chicken using old woods laying around the house. My parents want to save everything! I still think it's too big though, but we also want them to have more room to move around. As the eggs hatch, baby chicks will also have more rooms to move around too.

We just build the duck house for our ducks last week. They started to lay eggs now so everything went so well. We have 3 Muscovy ducks and 4 other ducks. One female Muscovy lays 1 egg a day, it's been 3 days now.

Everything is still a new experience for us and we all love it. Seeing new lives are being born in our own backyard and enjoying them grow and grow everyday is a pleasure. These are our main supply of healthy organic food as well. We are planning to get some pigs and wild boars as well.